Our Religious Education program is based on the K-12 Religion Syllabus with newly designed resource units for each grade. These units are aligned with developmental processes at each stage of learning.

Early Stage One (Kindergarten) is specifically designed to encourage and promote a sound understanding of friendships; how to maintain and be a good friend to all and to understand how Jesus revealed himself as friend in the Gospels. Children learn to recognise special times in the church’s year and where we go to celebrate these times. Our students identify the Bible is a special book that holds a collection of unique stories that we use to help us understand our faith and God in a meaningful way.

Focus in Stage One is on developing an awareness of the value of each child’s uniqueness and gifts, especially their spiritual gifts. Our children are introduced to language that helps them express these concepts.

The Middle Primary units are designed to support the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. The school offers support to parents in the preparation of their children for the reception of the sacraments in workshops and information evenings. Parents are also invited to participate in a parish-based sacramental program. The children’s involvement in such programs is based on their readiness, rather than reaching a certain age.

The Upper Primary units in Religious Education focus on learning about Jesus as leader and the qualities we all should espouse to implement in our daily lives to be good leaders. Social justice is significant, and students learn in-depth about the importance of supporting those in greatest need within our local, national and global communities. Students participate in a range of specifically designed learning experiences that delve into the importance of being stewards of creation and identifying that the Earth is a gift from God that we need to care for in our everyday lives through simple and effective means. Students learn of the importance of the Sacraments of Healing and aspects of the Mass.

Each term, classes gather for liturgical celebrations. Liturgies and Blessings for feast days or special occasions are attended by the whole school. Parents and friends are always most welcome to attend any of these celebrations and are highly encouraged to do so.